Tag Archive for: how to make an editorial calendar

BONUS FREEBIE: Your message deserves the media’s attention. So how do you get out there in a bigger way? I’ve got you covered. CLICK HERE to grab my free “Checklist to Become a Go-To Media Expert.”

Whenever I work with clients to help them pitch media better, look better on camera or set up a system to produce more of their own content, I always ask, “What are you producing now?” 

Common answers include: 

  • “A blog post every few months” 
  • “A video here or there”
  • “I did a FB Live once”

To be interesting to the media, to your potential clients and your current fans, you need to consistently create content. 

So how do you do it? 

With an editorial calendar, of course! 

This is a trick I’ve learned from nearly 20 years as a television producer. Everyone in the newsroom knew what stories were coming up in the next minute, five minutes, five days, five weeks, etc. Read more