Entries by Paula Rizzo

How To Get The Media To Cover Your Event

Pitching the media is not easy if you don’t know what producers and editors are looking for. It’s all about understanding what draws producers into your story and why their audience will care. But, if you thought pitching yourself to the media was hard, even harder is pitching an event. There are a million and […]

Don’t Be A Snob When It Comes To The Media

When I first started working at Fox News Channel in NYC back in 2008 the idea of producing video just for the internet was pretty shiny and new. I had been working in local TV for years  producing live newscasts. Then I landed a great job at Fox News as a health producer. My job […]

Your expertise doesn’t lead—you do

In the age of social media, one word has the power to make our clients do their very best horror film victim impression—brand. (That is, until they talk to us). We know that branding yourself can feel abstract at best and a little hokey at worst. To find your brand, first you have to get […]

Learn to Make Money Doing What You Love

You want to be known for what you do. You’re hustling to become a go-to media expert to build your brand, get your business in the spotlight, and change as many lives as you can. Entrepreneurs want to build their brand, monetize their expertise, and extend their reach to a whole new stream of clients. […]

Lights, Camera, Expert LIVE!

On August 18th-20th, we had our very first event called Lights Camera Expert LIVE! We are beyond grateful to have finally laid eyes (sans screen) on some of our amazing students from our course. Participants flew into Manhattan from all over the country for a weekend jam-packed with media training, brand excavation, pitch development, and […]

How to Leverage Facebook Live to Get on TV

If you’re not already hosting a weekly Facebook Live show, it’s time to start putting yourself out there. That handy-dandy LIVE function at the top of your newsfeed is not only a powerful marketing tool for boosting your business and brand, it’s a free, simple, and convenient way to demonstrate your on-air potential to producers. […]

Your Checklist for Pitching the Media

You did it! You took the plunge, crafted a pitch you’re proud of, and you’re chomping at the bit to finally hit send on that Bad Mama Jama. And let’s be clear—we’re super proud of you! You’re facing your fears, owning your expertise, and finally stepping into the spotlight where you belong. But before you […]

How to Handle Media Rejection

There’s a mythology created around superstars that talent makes success easy. It perpetuates the idea that if you’re good enough, the world will open its arms and throw you opportunities. But it’s a myth—pure and simple. Everybody gets rejected over and over again. Steve Jobs. Oprah. Beyonce. Everybody. You’ve heard that fortune favors the brave, […]

3 Ways to Generate Fresh Content

Imagine this: You’ve finally scored a pre-interview call with a producer or editor. They liked your initial pitch enough to reach out, but they’re really interested in hearing what else you’ve got. Do your eyes go wide with panic, brain scrambling for something—anything—to say? Or do you say, “No problem! I’ve got seven ideas locked […]