Tag Archive for: common video mistakes


BONUS FREEBIE: Your message deserves the media’s attention. So how do you get out there in a bigger way? I’ve got you covered. CLICK HERE to grab my free “Checklist to Become a Go-To Media Expert.”


Have you ever felt like what you have to say isn’t valued? Well, it’s probably happened to everyone. Linda Ugelow, confidence coach and author of the upcoming book “Delight in the Limelight,” knows that this is the root of why people feel uncomfortable with public speaking and appearing on camera.

Getting to the heart of the issue and tackling it is Linda’s M.O. as an author, coach, and speaker. She appeared on my live-streaming show Inside Scoop to share her journey to finding her voice and explain how others can change their relationship with publicly sharing their ideas. 

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BONUS FREEBIE: Your message deserves the media’s attention. So how do you get out there in a bigger way? I’ve got you covered. CLICK HERE to grab my free “Checklist to Become a Go-To Media Expert.”


We’ve all gotten used to living our lives on video over the past year. And video is here to stay, so if you want to grow your business or connect with your audience, this is a medium you need to master.

I spoke with videographer and producer Kristian Golick on my live-streaming show “Inside Scoop” about common questions about doing video — and how you can become a pro.

Why video?

As a former TV producer, I’ve been spreading the word about video for years. Kristian and I talked about one element of creating video that  is key: It creates a connection between you and the viewer. Just like we all feel like we know our favorite TV reporters or movie stars, your audience can get to know you through your videos.

Kristian knows from personal experience how powerful this connection can be. Kristian has been a videographer for years, creating videos from business as well as wedding films. But he never got in front of the camera himself until 2018, when he created a short video to address a common question among his clients about raw footage and what to do with it.

When he sent it to his clients, they expressed how much it helped them get to know him as a person. In fact, the feedback from that video was so positive he closed $10,000 in business and he’s continued to create video content ever since!

What content should I be creating?

Kristian says that his first video taught him an important lesson about content. Think about the questions that you get most often, then create videos addressing those. 

Should I do live or pre-recorded videos?

While there are pros and cons to both live and pre-recorded videos, Kristian and I both say that live videos can save you time (and energy) once you get the hang of them. Live videos help you get over perfectionism, too. Plus, they keep you accountable, since if you said you’re going live at a certain time, you’ve got to stick to it! Of course, you can always re-use your recorded live content. 

That’s what I do with my live-streaming show Inside Scoop. Kristian and I did this interview and now as you can see I’m using the content now in a different way – as a blog post. 

What set-up should I use?

Kristian says you don’t have to spend a lot of money to create a set-up that will make your videos look professional. He uses a light from Amazon that cost about $100, and placed it above him and angled down. He also taped a piece of wax paper to soften the light. The placement of the light is key to avoiding glare on his glasses, Kristian explained. (Make sure you check out the video we did together here so you can see his explanation.) 

Don’t worry about creating a set-up that looks too polished — you don’t want people to think your videos are ads, after all!

What should my background be?

Like me, Kristian is not a fan of Zoom backgrounds. He either makes sure to have a clean, neat real background, or he uses a green screen if he needs to replace his backdrop. The green screen is key, Kristian said, because it ensures the background is consistent and doesn’t cut off your ear or hands, which often happens with Zoom backgrounds. 

Where should I post my videos?

Kristian has two suggestions. The first is that you should post where you already have the most audience engagement. If that’s Instagram, go for Instagram. If that’s Facebook, post there.

Kristian’s second suggestion is that you should match your content to the platform. Tutorial-type videos, for example, work best on YouTube. But if you want to do shorter videos, try Instagram Stories. 

How often should I post?

Consistency is key. If you do Instagram stories, try a short video every day. For YouTube, post once a week. When people know to expect content from you, they’ll be more likely to tune in and get to know you. (That’s why I host Inside Scoop every week!).


BONUS FREEBIE: Your message deserves the media’s attention. So how do you get out there in a bigger way? I’ve got you covered. CLICK HERE to grab my free “Checklist to Become a Go-To Media Expert.”



BONUS FREEBIE: Your message deserves the media’s attention. So how do you get out there in a bigger way? I’ve got you covered. CLICK HERE to grab my free “Checklist to Become a Go-To Media Expert.”


I’ve been watching so much television recently. It’s part of my job! 

One thing that has been driving me crazy is how often I hear experts say “thank you.” 

It usually goes like this: the interviewer asks the expert a question, and the expert responds by saying something like, “Thank you for having me” or “Thank you for asking me that question.” 

Agh! I always wish I could tell them to cut it out. 

It’s not a matter of being rude. I know we’re socialized to say “thank you” all the time, but it’s a bad habit when you’re appearing as an expert!

Here’s why you need to stop saying “thank you” on TV — and what to start saying instead.

1) We already know you’re thankful to be there.

If you’re appearing on TV, you’ve said yes to being on TV — so the interviewer and audience know you’re happy and excited! You really do not feel like there is a need to thank the interviewer every time they ask you a question.

I was a TV producer for almost 20 years, and I can assure you that no producer or interviewer will think you’re being rude if you skip the “thank you.” 

2) You’re wasting time.

All the time you’re allotted on TV should be used for your message. Every single second! 

That’s not selfish or rude — it’s the opposite.

You have an opportunity to connect with your audience and share your expertise. That’s a public service!

When you say “thank you” three or four times in a 30 second soundbite, you’re using up precious time that could be used to help your audience. 

3) Instead, practice your first sentence on TV. 

I have a sneaking suspicion that one of the reasons people say “thank you” so much on TV is because they want to ease into what they’re going to say.

In regular conversation, that makes sense. 

But TV isn’t a regular conversation! The same rules do not apply. 

The best way to grab your audience’s attention is to begin with a clear, concise answer right out of the gate.

That’s where my Accordion Method comes in — you can find out more about that here. 

You need to have a short, medium, and long answer to every question you think you’ll be asked on TV. Those answers should all start out with your main idea like a newspaper headline. 

This is something I talk about all the time with my media clients.

People have short attention spans. You have to hook them right away!

When you begin by saying “thank you,” you’re not only watering down the strength of your response — you’re potentially losing your audience. 

It really helps to practice your first sentence so you’re not filling your time as you settle in. I always do this, whether I’m going on TV, creating a video or going live on my live-streaming show Inside Scoop – which you can sign up for reminders of right here

Next time you’re watching TV – take a note of how reporters and seasoned contributors start speaking on camera – I’ll bet they don’t start with thank you. 


BONUS FREEBIE: Your message deserves the media’s attention. So how do you get out there in a bigger way? I’ve got you covered. CLICK HERE to grab my free “Checklist to Become a Go-To Media Expert.”



BONUS FREEBIE: Your message deserves the media’s attention. So how do you get out there in a bigger way? I’ve got you covered. CLICK HERE to grab my free “Checklist to Become a Go-To Media Expert.”


I’ve noticed a trend among my clients. A lot of them sound like robots when they’re recording video. 

Haha I know that sounds like a joke but it’s not. 

They’re using what I call “phone voice.”

This is the voice you use when you’re recording voicemails or dictating text messages. 

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JOIN ME FOR “VIRTUAL MEETING PRO: Elevate your virtual presentation skills via video. With video meetings becoming the norm, it’s more important than ever to present well on camera. CLICK HERE to join my online training “Virtual Meeting Pro.”

Are you getting sick of being on video calls? 

Now that so many more meetings are happening virtually, it can be hard not to feel overwhelmed. And that makes sense. 

Video calls require a lot more energy from you than talking in person because you have to be “on” all the time. You have to be engaged with the camera and concentrate more. 

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BONUS FREEBIE: Your message deserves the media’s attention. So how do you get out there in a bigger way? I’ve got you covered. CLICK HERE to grab my free “Checklist to Become a Go-To Media Expert.”


Now that many states have ordered residents to stay inside to stop the spread of coronavirus, lots of meetings and interviews are happening remotely.

Even Jimmy Fallon is recording The Tonight Show from his house!

This means that you’re connecting with people from your home rather than face-to-face. 

While Jimmy Fallon can get away with recording from his kitchen table with his kids, you’ll probably want to make sure your videos are a little more pulled-together and professional. 

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BONUS FREEBIE: Your message deserves the media’s attention. So how do you get out there in a bigger way? I’ve got you covered. CLICK HERE to grab my free “Checklist to Become a Go-To Media Expert.”

I love watching award shows!

It’s so much fun to see my favorite celebrities get dressed up. Plus, it’s an opportunity to watch professional actors use the camera to their advantage – sometimes! 

I loved the movie Judy, and I thought Renee Zellweger definitely deserved the Best Actress award for playing Judy Garland. She did an amazing job!

But her acceptance speech was much less inspiring. 

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BONUS FREEBIE: Your message deserves the media’s attention. So how do you get out there in a bigger way? I’ve got you covered. CLICK HERE to grab my free “Checklist to Become a Go-To Media Expert.”

Teleprompters – they keep coming up again and again with my media-training clients. Questions like: 

  • Should I use a teleprompter? 
  • When do I not need a teleprompter?
  • How do I use a teleprompter? 
  • Which teleprompters are the best for entrepreneurs? 

Those are just some of the questions that have come up over the years. I’ve worked with dozens and dozens of anchors and reporters who have mastered the skill of using a teleprompter. 

If you’re unfamiliar with them though it can be a bit daunting at first. So let me break it down for you.

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[Want to create videos that get attention? Check out my free webinar: Produce Like A Pro: How to Create Compelling Video and Handle Any On-Camera Interview]

Small Biz Trends says this year, 2019, global consumer Internet video traffic will account for 80% of all consumer Internet traffic. 80% is a lot of eyeballs – are you engaging them to know, like and trust you?

A lot of experts THINK they are doing just that but there are some trends in video production you should avoid like the plague.

Here’s some of the biggest mistakes people are making when producing their own videos:


MISTAKE #1: Using Video ONLY to Sell

In the Internet marketing world videos are used, and for good reason, to sell products, coaching packages and more. There’s a good reason for that – when a potential customer sees you and hears you they connect with you. Hopefully they like you and eventually buy your product. To be clear – using video to sell a product will boost your chances. In fact, Hubspot.com says adding a video on a landing page can increase  conversion rates by 80%.

However, the biggest issue happening with entrepreneurs is that you’re using video ONLY when you want to sell some big ticket item.

All of a sudden our newsfeeds get flooded with your Facebook Lives and your YouTube account has tons and tons of pre-launch content leading the viewer into your funnel. It starts to become a little disingenuous.


WHAT DO TO INSTEAD: Consistently be of service with high-quality content

Think about it. If you only hear from a friend when she’s in the middle of a breakup and needs something from you that will get old fast. Right? When I was a senior producer at Fox News Channel I received hundreds of pitches a day. I only heard from those experts when they wanted to be on TV. That’s it. The ones who made a real effort to connect with me and have a relationship were the ones who got my attention – and in the end – a segment. They reached out to me even when they weren’t trying to get on TV, but to see what they could do to make my job easier.

In fact, I presented a webinar recently called, “Produce Like A Pro: How to Create Compelling Video and Handle Any On-Camera Interview“ and in it I talk all about how to connect with the audience through the content that you share. To check it out click here for the recording.

Use whatever example you like but no one likes to be used. And your potential clients are exactly the same. Consistently share high-quality content with them to be helpful and change their lives. That’s what this is all about. You should be using your expertise to change people – not just fill your pockets with cash. (Although let’s be serious – that’s nice too!)


MISTAKE #2: Stop Looking At Yourself!

This drives me insane. Whenever I media train a client it’s one of the first points I go over. Stop looking at yourself in selfie mode when you’re recording a video! What you’re doing is showing the audience that you aren’t connected with them. You are only looking at yourself. It’s like they don’t even matter. If you are looking down or off to the side it’s easy to lose interest and click to a different video where the expert is ore engaged.


WHAT TO DO INSTEAD: Look Directly Into the Camera

Whether you’re recording a video on your iPhone or on your computer look directly into the CAMERA. It feels awkward to not be looking at the person on the other end of the Zoom or Skype connection if you’re doing an in interview but trust me – it looks so much better if you’re looking into the camera. And that goes for any time you’re producing videos on your own and not interviewing someone too.


MISTAKE #3: You Go On and On and On and On and On

If I had a dollar for every wasted minute of video I’d be a billionaire. Many of the videos I watch online simply go on too long. Do you know how many makeup tutorials are out there which feature 10+ minutes of talking before they even start showing you how to apply anything?

Without true intention and planning your video will just seem like a video diary. This might be fun for you but for the viewer it gets tired fast. Your videos should be showcasing your expertise in a fun and engaging way.


WHAT TO DO INSTEAD: Be Concise, Clear and Compelling

Practice and plan out your videos before you push record. I know a lot of you are thinking, “Oh I’m great off the cuff.” Great. Except everyone thanks that and very few people actually are.

Trust me I’ve worked with seasoned anchors and reporters for nearly two decades and it took them lots and lots of consistent practice to be great “off the cuff.” Plus, unless it’s breaking news, those reporters and anchors have rehearsed what they’re going to say and are most likely reading off a TelePrompTer.

Intension is key when producing videos. Make sure you know why you’re doing it and what the audience will take away from investing a few minutes with you.

How long should a video be? Well that depends. The short answer is short. Like under two minutes. The longer answer is sometimes you have to break that rule to get the message across and teach something. For instance, if you’re doing a cooking demo or showing how to use a piece of software it might take more than two minutes and that’s OK.


MISTAKE #4: Don’t Hold Your Phone Vertically

Ok before all the social media gurus freak out here – yes there are exceptions to this rule. When you’re shooting videos for InstagramTV and Facebook Live using your iPhone you should hold the camera vertically. But that’s it! Otherwise your video has black bars on the side and you aren’t filling up the whole screen as you should be. It’s distracting and looks like poor quality.


WHAT TO DO INSTEAD: Hold the Phone Horizontally

Whenever you’re producing a video for YouTube or to upload to LinkedIn, etc. you should hold your iPhone horizontally with the home button to the right if you have the front of the phone pointing at you. This will allow your image to fill up the entire screen and look best when people view this video on their phone horizontally. It also gives your audience a better view if your trying to demonstrate something.


MISTAKE #5: Use the Camera’s Built-In Microphone

Sure, in a pinch using the camera’s microphone is fine. But I wouldn’t make a habit of it.  When you skip using a microphone to amplify your message you lose intimacy with an audience. There’s a richness and closeness to audio that is projected correctly. It’s the same concept I mentioned before with looking into the camera directly so look at your audience. If you do this correctly you’ll have a connection with them that will be hard to resist.


WHAT TO DO INSTEAD: Invest In a Quality Microphone to Amplify Your Message

Always use a microphone whenever possible If you’re recording videos or podcasts on your computer, this is the microphone that I use and it works really well. It’s moderately priced and is easy to set up. I’d also probably add what’s called a pop-filter to the top of it incase you pop your p’s like I do! It will help to soften the harsh sounds.

If you’re producing videos using your iPhone you can use a clip-on lav microphone. This is the one that I have and use for most of my videos. If you use audio correctly you’ll have a connection with your audience that will be hard to resist.

[Want to create videos that get attention? Check out my free webinar: Produce Like A Pro: How to Create Compelling Video and Handle Any On-Camera Interview]