Tag Archive for: author


BONUS FREEBIE: I have a resource for you that will help you prepare to talk with media and audiences. It’s the 10 Questions Every Author Needs to Answer. You can grab the fiction and nonfiction lists here.


I’m a media trainer.

That means I work with authors and experts to help them communicate their message to their audience.

Together, we work on defining a message and a narrative that will capture their audience’s attention. This helps authors get (and keep!) media attention and reach the people who need to hear what they have to say. 

Lots of people think media training and publicity are one and the same.

But the job of a publicist is distinct. As an author, it’s important to know the difference. Once you know what each one does, you can create a media plan that draws on the resources of both jobs. I’ve worked with publicists for years as a senior television producer when they would pitch their authors to me. And now as a media training we team up again so I can help get their authors ready for primetime interviews. 

Here are answers to some of the most common questions about media trainers and public:

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BONUS FREEBIE: I have a resource for you that will help you prepare to talk with media and audiences. It’s the 10 Questions Every Author Needs to Answer. You can grab the fiction and nonfiction lists here.


As an author, appearing in the media is a key opportunity to promote your book, share your insights, and connect with your audience. However, there are certain things you should avoid saying in an interview — these no-nos can derail your message or even alienate potential readers and fans. 

When I work with clients on media training, there are a few things that always come up that I recommend authors stop saying right away. 

Here are five things to stop saying in interviews (and what to say instead!). 


1. “Thank you.”

Yep — this one comes as a shocker to most people. But saying “thank you” constantly is one of my biggest pet peeves. 

It usually goes like this: the interviewer asks the expert a question, and the expert responds by saying something like, “Thank you for having me” or “Thank you for asking me that question.” 

Agh! I always wish I could tell them to cut it out. It’s not a matter of being rude. I know we’re socialized to say “thank you” all the time, but it’s a bad habit when you’re appearing as an expert. We already know you’re thankful to be there — and talking about it is wasting precious time. You could be using that time to get your message across — a message that can help people. 

TV news moves fast, don’t waste time! 

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BONUS FREEBIE: Your message deserves the media’s attention. So how do you get out there in a bigger way? I’ve got you covered. CLICK HERE to grab my free “Checklist to Become a Go-To Media Expert.”


Doing media interviews is an exercise in accepting the unknown. You need to accept that as much as you prepare, you won’t be able to predict every single thing that happens.

The best way to prepare for media interviews is to decide beforehand how you’re going to handle unexpected questions. This is half a mental game (how will you respond with grace?) and half about preparing for the kinds of pushback you’re likely to encounter. 

Because while your goal is to put yourself out there and share your message with your audience, that doesn’t mean everyone will respond to your content the same way.

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BONUS FREEBIE: I have a resource for you that will help you prepare to talk with media and audiences. It’s the 10 Questions Every Author Needs to Answer. You can grab the fiction and nonfiction lists here.


As an author, I know that finding your resources is the best way to move your writing career forward. I wouldn’t be where I am today without writing groups and mentors. And I can’t forget the toolbox of insights and opportunities I’ve picked up from writers who share their knowledge virtually. 

That’s why I put together a guide of all the best author resources.


There are so many amazing writing and publishing podcasts out there. Podcasts are a great way to learn more about the industry and get tips on refining your craft. They can also be a big source of inspiration and motivation. 

I love listening to podcasts by authors — even when the topic of the podcast isn’t just writing and publishing. 

Here are a few of my favorite podcasts from authors. They all feed a different part of the writer’s life, from well-being to craft:


As you might be able to guess, I love blogs (that’s why I have two of my own — PaulaRizzo.com/blog and ListProducer.com!). Blogs can be a wonderful resource when it comes to advice of all kinds from authors at every stage of their journey. 

Here are a few I recommend:



Writing Groups

I’ve been a part of a few different writing groups and I’ve loved all of them! I’ve made some great friends and I’ve learned so much. Plus, writing groups are an excellent tool for accountability! To find writing groups near you, you can check out your public library or local bookstore to see if they have any offerings. You can also do a quick internet search (writing groups + your location) to find opportunities nearby. 

Having accountability buddies is one of the best ways to keep yourself writing. My friend Bev (who I meet with every Friday!) is one of my accountability buddies. 


Finding a mentor often happens organically if you put yourself out there! Going to events at your local library and bookstores, attending conferences, and getting involved with nearby writing associations or nonprofits are all ways you might meet a future mentor. You can also find mentors through LinkedIn or by checking out the website of authors whose work you enjoy — they might run mentorship sessions. 


There are lots of writing and publishing nonprofits that offer resources to authors. Here are a few that I recommend:

  • Writer’s Digest: This is a go-to resource with lots of information for authors on every subject, from craft to publishing to media. I have a column for them and I love reading their website and print edition!
  • Poets & Writers: They have lots of helpful resources, including information about writing contests and awards, writing groups, Zoom classes, and a calendar of literary events across the country!
  • Nonfiction Authors Association: I’ve spoken for this group before and this organization is so helpful and supportive! They have a blog, lots of trainings and events, and a yearly conference. 



Professional Associations

Finding a writing association that aligns with your work is one of the best ways to connect with colleagues who share your area of interest. Many professional associations are based around specific genres or fields. Writer’s Digest has put together a thorough list of writing associations — you can check it out here! 

One that I recommend is Author’s Guild. The Author’s Guild supports writers of all kinds. I’m a member and I love all the resources they have, from guides to protecting your copyright to events and webinars. 


In-person and virtual conferences are both fantastic ways to meet writers and gain valuable insights into all elements of being an author, from first drafts to book tours. I always learn so much at conferences and I’ve met some wonderful people over the years by attending. 

I love the yearly Writer’s Digest Conference. I’ve been a speaker (and attendee) and I always get so much from it!

Poets & Writers has a great database for finding writing conferences all over the world. You can search by location, genre, conference type, funding availability, and keywords. I highly recommend checking it out!

I hope this list gives you some ideas for expanding where and how you find resources as an author!


BONUS FREEBIE: Your message deserves the media’s attention. So how do you get out there in a bigger way? I’ve got you covered. CLICK HERE to grab my free “Checklist to Become a Go-To Media Expert.”



BONUS FREEBIE: I have a resource for you that will help you prepare to talk with media and audiences. It’s the 10 Questions Every Author Needs to Answer. You can grab the fiction and nonfiction lists here.


Building a platform is one of the most important things you can do to invest in your career as a non-fiction author. Creating a platform is how you build authority and credibility with your readers — and with publishers and the media!

A platform is how you reach your readers and connect with them. It’s all the channels of communication you use, from email newsletters to social media to speaking engagements. Think of your author platform as a central hub with lots of access points. 

1) Identify your audience.

Before you narrow down your strategy for building your author platform, think about who you’re trying to reach. As a non-fiction author, you’re presenting your readers with something new and novel — a solution to a problem, a creative way of considering an issue, or a toolkit for improving some aspect of their lives. This is true whether you’re writing a cookbook or a history book. 

Think about who is looking for the message that you have to offer. Who can benefit from this knowledge?

For instance, if you’re writing a cookbook about easy and affordable veggie-forward recipes, your audience might include busy parents, older adults trying to be more health-conscious, and college students. Those are specific groups who will come to your work in different ways. The college students might find you on TikTok — but the health-conscious grandma probably won’t. So how are you going to connect with all of these groups?

Use Video to Grow Your Audience with TikTok

2) Define your narrative.

Before you decide which online and in-person channels you want to focus on, you need to decide what you’ll do with those opportunities. Defining your narrative before you dive in head-first means your author platform will be well-considered, coherent, and professional.

One of the best ways to approach this task is to sit down with a pencil and paper (or a blank Google Doc!) and write down answers to these questions:

  • Why did you write a book?
  • Why are you the right person to tell this story?
  • How will your book improve people’s lives?

These answers should get personal!

10 Questions Every Author Needs to Answer

For instance, if I was doing this exercise, I’d write about how I wrote my first book, Listful Living, because lists made my life as a busy TV producer so much less stressful and more manageable. I’d write about how I’m the right person to tell the story of lists because I’ve been using them for over twenty years now, and I’ve been blogging about productivity for nearly fifteen years. I’d write about how my books are packed with actionable tips that help readers manage their tasks and introduce more joy into their lives.

Look for a narrative arc in your answers. Are there defining moments that emerge?

For me, one defining moment is when my appendix burst after my first book came out. I knew I had to prioritize my well-being and for me, that meant using productivity strategies (including list-making!) that I’d written about. I talked the talk — and then I had to really walk the walk. That experience shaped my second book, Listful Thinking

Once you know the story you want to tell, you can use online communication channels more effectively. This story should come across in all your content.



3) Curate your online presence — and be consistent.

Create author profiles on all the major social media platforms (Instagram, Twitter/X, Facebook). If you think TikTok would be a good fit for your audience, create a profile there too. And make sure to follow other author accounts!

It’s also a good idea to create an author website. Your website should have information about your background, links to your social media profiles, and an option to sign up for your email list. Email lists are a great tool for creating a channel to get in touch with your readers about blog posts, videos, events, and media appearances. 

Website Tips to Amplify Your Brand

You might also consider a podcast (I have tips on this here!), short videos (here’s how to create great ones), or a live-stream show

But… don’t start doing all these things at the same time!

Take it slow and think about what your audience is most likely to connect with. What types of media does your audience already consume? Find them there first. If you start a whole bunch of projects at the same time, it’s going to be difficult to keep up with all of them. Which brings me to my next point — consistency!

Consistency is key to building an online following. I suggest creating an editorial calendar for yourself. You can plan out social media, blog posts, newsletters, live streams, and more. Come up with a schedule that’s reasonable and then stick to it. 

4) Find opportunities to connect with other authors.

The internet is great for connecting with readers and fellow authors. And you should definitely follow other authors in your area of expertise. In-person events are also important for forming these connections.

Attend book events in your area. Check out speakers at local universities. Go to conferences. Join a writing group. These are opportunities to learn from other authors about how they communicate with their audience and with their colleagues in the world of non-fiction authors.

Having an author platform is related to being a good literary citizen — so check out these tips for being an engaged author. 

5) Be your own advocate.

Building your author platform means acknowledging the fact that no one is going to come up and catapult you to success. You need to build authority and credibility yourself. So toot your own horn!

Lots of people feel uncomfortable about self-promotion. They think it comes across as self-centered or braggy. But it’s essential to reframe self-promotion as positive and necessary. Remember, you have a message to share. Your audience needs the knowledge you have to share. Advocating for your work is an act of service!


BONUS FREEBIE: Your message deserves the media’s attention. So how do you get out there in a bigger way? I’ve got you covered. CLICK HERE to grab my free “Checklist to Become a Go-To Media Expert.”



BONUS FREEBIE: I have a resource for you that will help you prepare to talk with media and audiences. It’s the 10 Questions Every Author Needs to Answer. You can grab the fiction and nonfiction lists here.


To be an engaged writer, you need to be a good literary citizen. But what does it actually mean to be a “citizen” of the literary world?

It means making relationships, amplifying colleagues, participating in events, and being in dialogue with authors.

You’re probably thinking that these things sound great in theory — but how do you actually make them happen? 

It’s easier than you might think. And it’s essential for fueling your creativity and reaching your professional goals. Here’s how to be a good literary citizen:

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BONUS FREEBIE: Your message deserves the media’s attention. So how do you get out there in a bigger way? I’ve got you covered. CLICK HERE to grab my free “Checklist to Become a Go-To Media Expert.”


If you’ve always wanted to be an author, your book launch will be one of the most exciting stages of the publishing process. Getting recognized for your work and connecting with your readers is so rewarding. 

When you’re launching a new book, all of your strategy is focused around your book –the newness of it and the content. But what happens when the launch wraps and your new book is no longer new?

This is the stage when I meet many of my media-training clients. They’ve had a successful launch and they want to keep the momentum going. 

I shared some of my best tips for authors dealing with this in my Writer’s Digest column. 

These are the same strategies I’ve used myself for years as an author of two books, Listful Thinking and Listful Living!

1. It’s not (just) about the book anymore.

When you’re in the book launch phase, you’re really invested in the book itself. That’s only natural. It should be the focus of attention at this point! But once your book is a few months old, you have to shift your focus and start to consider how your book can support you as an author and expert — not how you can support your book!

This does not mean you shouldn’t talk about your book. Of course you should! You just need to find new ways of framing and contextualizing how you talk about your book. The attention needs to be on how your knowledge (and by extension, your book) can solve problems or shift people’s mindsets. This is something I talk you through in my free resource, 10 Questions Every Author Needs to Answer. 

2. Keep in touch. 

The relationships you build with journalists, reporters, and producers are some of the best resources for you as you consider your post-launch strategy. Thank you notes (paper ones — yep!) go a long way in demonstrating your appreciation.

These really do make an impact on fostering positive relationships between you and members of the media! You can then leverage those relationships to pitch again from a new angle. 



3. Open yourself up. 

You might be wondering what exactly you should pitch — how can you use your book as a jumping-off point that inspires the next stage of your media strategy?

Well, here’s a little secret: everything you talk about doesn’t have to be in the book.

In fact, it can actually be counterproductive to limit yourself to only things you covered in your book. You are an expert on a topic that includes what you talk about in your book. You can absolutely pitch on related areas within your expertise that didn’t fit into your book — and you should! This is essential to any sustainable media strategy. 

For even more tips on how to keep media momentum going, you can check out my column in Writer’s Digest. 


BONUS FREEBIE: I have a resource for you that will help you prepare to talk with media and audiences. It’s the 10 Questions Every Author Needs to Answer. You can grab the fiction and nonfiction lists here.


BONUS FREEBIE: I have a resource for you that will help you prepare to talk with media and audiences. It’s the 10 Questions Every Author Needs to Answer. You can grab the fiction and nonfiction lists here.

What does every author want? To be published.

I know this myself as an author of two books about productivity, Listful Thinking, and Listful Living. And I’ve been hard at work on my first novel for a few years now! If you aren’t familiar with the industry, it can be a bit of a mystery to figure out how a book goes from a draft to sitting on the shelf at your local bookstore.

Since publishing a book is a bucket list item for so many, I invited my friend Lucinda Halpern, president and founder of Lucinda Literary, to share her knowledge. She represents authors writing in all areas, including health, business, lifestyle, narrative fiction, memoir, and more. She even wrote a book on the topic, Get Signed, with tons of insider info to help you find an agent and get your message out there.

Here are three points from our conversation that will help you think about getting published in a new way.

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BONUS FREEBIE: Your message deserves the media’s attention. So how do you get out there in a bigger way? I’ve got you covered. CLICK HERE to grab my free “Checklist to Become a Go-To Media Expert.”

Launching a book is thrilling. Lots of time, energy and thought goes into planning it. But that’s not the only day you should be thinking about..

You’re going to have that book for a long time. So although launch day is important, the real question is: How do you keep the book in the minds and in the mouths of people all over the world for a long time?

It’s not an easy task. I know that from promoting my first two books Listful Thinking and Listful Living.

And my client, Krystale Littlejohn, knows all about this process as well. She’s the University of Washington’s Associate Professor of Sociology and author of the book Just Get on the Pill, which came out in August 2021  and is still getting lots of attention. We spoke on my live-streaming show Inside Scoop about her book launch process and how she was able to keep promoting her book over time.

Here are three great points from our conversation to help you promote your book.

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BONUS FREEBIE: Your message deserves the media’s attention. So how do you get out there in a bigger way? I’ve got you covered. CLICK HERE to grab my free “Checklist to Become a Go-To Media Expert.”

A book launch is a lot of work. There’s speaking engagements, there’s events, there’s media and so much more. It can be exciting and exhausting to prepare.

I learned so much from writing and launching Listful Thinking and Listful Living. And from keeping the book in the media long afterwards. (My first book came out almost a decade ago and I’m still talking about it in the media!)

And I love sharing my knowledge with authors to get them ready for their big launches. In fact, I just lead a group training called Media-Ready Author to help authors get ready to launch their books in the media.  You can check out the replay here.

On a recent episode of Inside Scoop I brought one of my media-training clients, Chelsea Conaboy, on to share her experience launching her new book, Mother Brain.

Here are three lessons Chelsea learned from the book-launch process.

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