
BONUS FREEBIE: Want even more ways to stay organized, productive and less stressed? Click here to get access to my List-Making Starter Kit. It will boost your efficiency and get you back to doing more of the things you love.


My husband and I are in the process of selling our apartment and it’s absolutely exhausting.

That on top of everything else – work stuff, family time, the to-dos — can be super draining. 

Am I right? Are you feeling this too? 

And when we’re drained, it can be easy to slip into the doom-and-glooms.

You know what I’m talking about.  I work really hard at keeping a positive attitude but sometimes it can seem impossible. 

If you agree…

Then you’ll definitely enjoy this episode of Inside Scoop.

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Bonus Freebie: I have a resource for you that will help you prepare to talk with media and audiences. It’s the 10 Questions Every Author Needs to Answer. You can grab the fiction and nonfiction lists here.

One of the questions I’m asked most often is, “How do you know so much about publishing and marketing books?”

Hello – research! Yeah – I love it! It’s the journalist in me. So even before I had thoughts of becoming an author myself, I always was in search of the best resources and I want to share them with you.

Maybe you don’t have a book yet and it’s still a dream. Or you have five and you want to sell more copies. Well lean in…

I’m introducing you to the experts you need to know about and the resources I used when I published my two books, Listful Thinking and Listful Living. They’ve been an invaluable resource for me and I hope you’ll find the same for you.

And there’s plenty of information for nonfiction and fiction authors – I’ve got you covered. I’m in the editing stage of my first fiction book so I understand the pain and glee of getting your work out into the public.

In this episode of Inside Scoop I’m sharing my top tips and resources for authors like you.

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BONUS FREEBIE: I have a resource for you that will help you prepare to talk with media and audiences. It’s the 10 Questions Every Author Needs to Answer. You can grab the fiction and nonfiction lists here.

What does every author want? To be published.

I know this myself as an author of two books about productivity, Listful Thinking, and Listful Living. And I’ve been hard at work on my first novel for a few years now! If you aren’t familiar with the industry, it can be a bit of a mystery to figure out how a book goes from a draft to sitting on the shelf at your local bookstore.

Since publishing a book is a bucket list item for so many, I invited my friend Lucinda Halpern, president and founder of Lucinda Literary, to share her knowledge. She represents authors writing in all areas, including health, business, lifestyle, narrative fiction, memoir, and more. She even wrote a book on the topic, Get Signed, with tons of insider info to help you find an agent and get your message out there.

Here are three points from our conversation that will help you think about getting published in a new way.

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BONUS FREEBIE: Your message deserves the media’s attention. So how do you get out there in a bigger way? I’ve got you covered. CLICK HERE to grab my free “Checklist to Become a Go-To Media Expert.”

I do a lot of talking. And I frequently speak on panels, do media appearances and host my weekly live-streaming show, Inside Scoop.

So I talk. A lot.

And even though I’m hired to speak as an expert and I know my usual topics – video, media, my books: Listful Thinking and Listful Living – I still have to prepare talking points. Every. Single. Time. One of the questions I get most from my media-training clients is, “How do you come up with talking points?”

Here are three things I do to prepare for every kind of speaking engagement.

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BONUS FREEBIE: Your message deserves the media’s attention. So how do you get out there in a bigger way? I’ve got you covered. CLICK HERE to grab my free “Checklist to Become a Go-To Media Expert.”

Panels are a great way to promote your book or expertise and connect with professionals in your industry or your audience. But it can be tricky to know how to start preparing for a panel, especially if the topic is not exactly in line with your usual talking points.

I’ve spoken on many panels as a media expert, author, and LinkedIn Learning Instructor.

And they’re always a rewarding experience because I do a set of things to get ready every time.

Here’s my list of things I do to prepare for a panel.

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BONUS FREEBIE: Your message deserves the media’s attention. So how do you get out there in a bigger way? I’ve got you covered. CLICK HERE to grab my free “Checklist to Become a Go-To Media Expert.”

Launching a book is thrilling. Lots of time, energy and thought goes into planning it. But that’s not the only day you should be thinking about..

You’re going to have that book for a long time. So although launch day is important, the real question is: How do you keep the book in the minds and in the mouths of people all over the world for a long time?

It’s not an easy task. I know that from promoting my first two books Listful Thinking and Listful Living.

And my client, Krystale Littlejohn, knows all about this process as well. She’s the University of Washington’s Associate Professor of Sociology and author of the book Just Get on the Pill, which came out in August 2021  and is still getting lots of attention. We spoke on my live-streaming show Inside Scoop about her book launch process and how she was able to keep promoting her book over time.

Here are three great points from our conversation to help you promote your book.

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BONUS FREEBIE: Your message deserves the media’s attention. So how do you get out there in a bigger way? I’ve got you covered. CLICK HERE to grab my free “Checklist to Become a Go-To Media Expert.”

There’s a difference between being an author and a bestselling author.

But what does that really mean? How many books do you have to sell to qualify? Is getting on the New York Times Bestseller List a realistic goal? Is there a secret to getting on that list?

Book marketing expert, Rob Eagar, joined me on Inside Scoop to answer those questions.

Rob has helped both fiction and non-fiction authors hit the New York Times Bestseller List, along with USA Today and The Wall Street Journal. He just had a client about 120 days ago, who was on all of those. And helped a book that was 23 years old finally become a New York Times Bestseller, after already being in print for over two decades.

Here are four of Rob’s pointers to sell more books.

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BONUS FREEBIE: Your message deserves the media’s attention. So how do you get out there in a bigger way? I’ve got you covered. CLICK HERE to grab my free “Checklist to Become a Go-To Media Expert.”

If you want to be an author (or already are one) I’m going to let you in on a secret: You are also a business owner.

Yep! Having a book means you have a business (like it or not)!

Writing for fun is great but being a professional author means you need some business know-how to be a success.

I learned a lot about this after my first two books Listful Living and Listful Thinking were published and since I media-train authors I get a first-hand look at what happens in the book world.

And as I start the publishing process on my first fiction book, I’m already learning that the business opportunities are different.

Book publishing and business expert, Jane Friedman, joined me for my live-streaming show Inside Scoop to teach us all about The Business of Being an Author.

Here are four insights she shared to help you make the transition from amateur to professional.

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BONUS FREEBIE: Your message deserves the media’s attention. So how do you get out there in a bigger way? I’ve got you covered. CLICK HERE to grab my free “Checklist to Become a Go-To Media Expert.”

As you know, I’m a former television producer so I love video. I’ve been talking about it for years and people are finally catching on and understanding what a powerful tool it can be. And one of the most powerful (and newer) video driven social media apps is Tik Tok.

I have to admit I’m mostly a TikTok stalker. I have not created one thing on it. (Yet! My guest has inspired me to get started.)

I brought expert TikTok-er, author and speaker, Selena Rezvani, on my live-streaming show Inside Scoop to teach us how to grow your audience with TikTok. She has nearly 200,000 followers.

Here are Selena’s top five tips for getting started on TikTok.

(Don’t worry, none of the tips are about dancing!)

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BONUS FREEBIE: Your message deserves the media’s attention. So how do you get out there in a bigger way? I’ve got you covered. CLICK HERE to grab my free “Checklist to Become a Go-To Media Expert.”

When I was a senior health producer at Fox News, I booked guest experts all the time.

But I couldn’t book them all and often they suffered from not being able to articulate what they know in a succinct and compelling way. So it’s part of why I do what I do today as a media trainer and video coach – to help as many people as possible do this well.

To become a go-to media expert, you need to be able to speak in soundbites. To do this I created what I call “The Accordion Method” – I use it myself and teach it to all my media-training clients.

Here are three points of “The Accordion Method“.

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