BONUS FREEBIE: Your message deserves the media’s attention. So how do you get out there in a bigger way? I’ve got you covered. CLICK HERE to grab my free “Checklist to Become a Go-To Media Expert.”
What good is it to have an amazing business, book, or creation if no one knows about it? You have to get yourself out there!
I know it’s not always easy to toot your own horn. But it’s essential. There’s no point in doing all those wonderful things if nobody can find, enjoy, and learn from them.
That’s why I invited book publicist and President & Co-founder of the publicity and digital marketing firm Pacific & Court, Kourtney Jason, on my live-streaming show Inside Scoop to chat about Building an Online Following.
Here’s a quick list of our top tips for building your following.

1) “Be your own amplifier.”
That’s the first thing Kourtney said. And she’s right.
You need to be sharing content across all of your social media platforms consistently. Just because you shared something doesn’t mean anyone saw it.
“There’s so much new content coming out online everyday. It’s so easy for things to be overlooked,” Kourtney added.

And while we’re on the topic of sharing your content on all your platforms…
2) Get on multiple platforms.
I feel like I’m constantly opening apps, looking for something I saw earlier, and saying “oh, where did that go? Oh, I should have saved that.”
People will follow you in multiple places. Sharing your content in multiple places will help your followers find the content they’re looking for.
Another way to do that is to think beyond social. As we saw recently, you need to have an alternative way to communicate with your followers in case Facebook or Instagram go down. Create your own website. Have your own email list. No one else will ever own those and you’ll be in complete control.

3) Understand your platforms and create your content accordingly.
Not all the content has to be exactly the same on all the platforms.
“The big misconception for a lot of people is that they think, okay, I’m going to do this one thing. I’m just going to blast it everywhere. In the exact same form in the exact same way. And that’s actually not great,” Kourtney said.
Look at the analytics on each of your platforms.
Kourtney says to ask yourself when is your audience online? Also you should know how many likes and comments you are getting. She also suggests doing your own social media audits.
Know when people online are engaging with you. Use the platform analytics to figure out the best time to post. Because it might not be what you think.
“It’s a good time for us [Pacific & Court] to post on the weekends. And you wouldn’t always think that for a company, but that’s when we are getting good engagement,” Kourtney said.
There are so many different services on each platform. Make sure you’re using them.
Instagram is great for photos. The Instagram algorithm recognizes faces so Kourtney suggests posting photos of yourself and videos there.
Share Articles or Press Hits on Twitter Kourtney says Twitter is great for links and sharing things that take you somewhere else.
Facebook is great for events and calendars. If you’re hosting an event, doing a speaking engagement, or a book signing that people can attend, Kourtney says to create an event and your audience can add it to their calendar.
Hashtags work everywhere. Kourtney suggests that you, “really know what the popular and engaging hashtags are.” If you’re not sure what those are, check out Social Media Examiner.
Join me for my NEW LinkedIn Learning Course “Be an Effective Hybrid or Virtual Employee” streaming now!

Kourtney and I also discussed podcasts and best practices for authors looking to build a following online. Check out our entire conversation here.
BONUS FREEBIE: Your message deserves the media’s attention. So how do you get out there in a bigger way? I’ve got you covered. CLICK HERE to grab my free “Checklist to Become a Go-To Media Expert.”