Tag Archive for: how to get media attention

BONUS FREEBIE: Your message deserves the media’s attention. So how do you get out there in a bigger way? I’ve got you covered. CLICK HERE to grab my free “Checklist to Become a Go-To Media Expert.”

You might not know this about me, but I used to be a total perfectionist. I spent hours agonizing over the content I produced, all because I wanted it to be perfect.  

That quickly changed when I started producing live television news. There just wasn’t time for perfect. Done is better than perfect when you’re in a time crunch.

You know what that experience of having to produce content under a deadline taught me? How to think quickly and churn out content no matter what.

If you follow Seth Godin, he calls it shipping. And he says that we’re afraid of it because as soon as you put content into the world it’s open for criticism.

He’s right – it’s scary. Read more

SIGN UP HERE for my “Become a Video Star Virtual Workshop” to learn how to create stunning video that will connect with your audience. I’ll walk you through every step, from content strategy to rehearsal to post production. You can click here to secure your spot! 

Recently I held my first “Become A Video Star Virtual Workshop” designed to help experts produce better videos. It was a one-day event held over Zoom video conferencing and we dug into my method for producing videos that I’ve developed over the years.

After nearly 20 years of producing television news I have a system down! I call it the SCRIPT METHOD™ and here are the elements that you can use too.

Strategy: Your video is only as good as your plan for execution. Identify your niche, plan out your offer and what you want your audience to do once they’ve seen your videos. Plus, identify what types of videos you’ll be producing ahead of time.

Calendar: Consistency will help you build an audience of followers who will know, like and trust you. Pull together your editorial calendar so you’ll be held accountable and have a roadmap to continually create compelling content.

Rehearsal: Even the pros spend time rehearsing and getting comfortable on camera. Getting media training to deliver your message succinctly and powerfully is key. Plus, write out bullet points for what you want to say ahead of time and practice. That will help you deal with any fears you have.

Intro to Video Production: Get prepped for shoot day! Know the best practices for  shooting video yourself, which equipment to use and even what to wear! Plus, know  what to consider if you do want to hire a crew.

Post Production: You have great videos, so now what? Know the best practices for editing and graphics and making your videos stand out.

Tools to Take Your Videos to Market: How do you make your videos really work for you? By promoting them of course! Know all the places you should be sharing your videos for maximum exposure. Plus, you can use your videos to gain credibility and intrigue with traditional media.


Since the workshop went so well, I thought I would go over some of the highlights and a few “ahas” that can help you as you produce your own videos:

  1. It’s not as complicated as you think – When we first started the workshop a number of the attendees felt overwhelmed by the whole process of creating their own videos. But once we started talking about it and I broke down my process it all started to seem less daunting. Making your own videos means taking it step by step and focusing on one part at a time. You don’t have to be a technology whiz or a creative genius and best of all you don’t even have to have a fancy camera! I always say “use your iPhone!”
  2. Make friends with the lens – When you watch the news it’s easy to think that those poised newscasters have always had the innate ability to look natural on camera. But it’s not true – they had to learn and so can you!  The more you expose yourself to the camera, the more you start to feel at home with it. One of my clients Linda Ugelow is a presentation and speaking coach and she helps people who are fearful of being seen on camera and on the stage. She speaks all about “making friends with the lens” and conditioning yourself to enjoy being in front of the camera.
  3. Marco Polo – To help you feel more at home being in front of the camera you can try a video app. I suggested my students use Marco Polo, which allows you to send video messages – almost like a walkie-talkie. I think of it like sending a text but with video. Not only is the app tons of fun, but it helps you get used to making video on the fly and takes away some of the mystery of it. Plus, it’s good practice looking into the camera and not at yourself!
  4. Change your attitude – If you start out every video project thinking about how much you hate video, you will dread every minute you spend doing it!  One of the students from my virtual workshop said her next step after our day together is to “start liking video.” Sometimes a negative attitude can have a big effect on how  you feel about something. The more open you are to trying new ideas with video the closer you are to finding a style that works for you.

SIGN UP HERE for my “Become a Video Star Virtual Workshop” to learn how to create stunning video that will connect with your audience. I’ll walk you through every step, from content strategy to rehearsal to post production. You can click here to secure your spot! 

Think about one of the experts you see on TV over and over again.

Now think of someone you hear on the radio or on podcasts a lot.

Guess what they have in common?

They can hold their own on camera and give the audience information they can use.

Not to mention they also knew how to get a producer’s attention and become a go-to expert.

BONUS FREEBIE: Your message deserves the media’s attention. So how do you get out there in a bigger way? I’ve got you covered. CLICK HERE to grab my free “Checklist to Become a Go-To Media Expert.”

I’ve spent nearly two decades as a television producer in New York City and even won an Emmy award. Most recently I was the senior health producer for Fox News Channel for over a decade. That means I’ve conducted a lot of interviews and booked a lot of guests throughout my career. Read more

Whenever I walk up to the counter to pay for a cup of tea or a t-shirt I always make a point to smile at the person at the register before saying anything. I make eye contact and have a moment.

That’s not something people often do. We just rush between transaction after transaction.

But what if you did pause and give a smile? What would that do?

I’ll tell you what it does on camera – it makes you likable and makes people want to pay you for stuff!

Isn’t that the point?

Think about it – how often do you buy something based on how likable the person selling it to you is?

Maybe you decided to see one acupuncturist over another one because the one you chose was kind and seemed to be generally interested in you?

Or how about the last book you bought?

Did you buy it because you saw the author on TV or at a book signing and he or she seemed fun and nice?

Take for instance my media training client,

Chef Todd Richards.

He’s the author of the new book Soul: A Chef’s Culinary Evolution in 150 Recipes. 

I worked with him just prior to his book launch to get him prepped for any media opportunities that popped up.

We met like I do with all my clients via Zoom video conference.  He’s in Atlanta and I’m in New York City.

I had already seen a few media appearances of him and I will admit I thought I had him figured out.

But when I met him I was blown away by how personable and friendly he was.

You see I thought he was super serious because guess what he wasn’t doing in those media appearances?

Yep – Smiling!

So I had a different version of what he would be like in my mind given that one piece of video.

But I was dead wrong. And you’d be too if you saw that same segment.

BONUS FREEBIE: Your message deserves the media’s attention. So how do you get out there in a bigger way? I’ve got you covered. Grab my free “Checklist to Become a Go-To Media Expert.”

Practice makes perfect – even with smiling!

Our media training sessions were focused on getting the “real” Todd to be seen on camera.

He was a good sport with me when I would stop him mid sentence and say, “Why aren’t you smiling? We’re talking about bacon!”

Just like an athlete practices drills and plays – any expert who wants to be on camera has to practice the same way.

Many people think they’ll be “just fine” when it comes to an on camera interview. But I’ll tell you in my nearly 20 years of experience as a TV producer that is not the case at all.

Something strange happens to people when they get in front of a camera. And without the proper training you could blow your big chance.

I love a happy ending and thankfully all that practice with Todd paid off and I feel like a proud mama!

Todd was asked to appear on CBS This Morning and he knocked it out of the park.

He was smiling, storytelling (something we also worked on,) cracking jokes and being the life of the party.

THAT is the Todd I know and I was thrilled to help him feel comfortable enough on camera to be himself.

You don’t just snap your fingers and feel more like yourself on camera – it takes practice and work.

Todd put in the time and it paid off – oh and hopefully sold some books too!

BONUS FREEBIE: Your message deserves the media’s attention. So how do you get out there in a bigger way? I’ve got you covered. Grab my free “Checklist to Become a Go-To Media Expert.”

Have you ever been talking to someone at a party or event and you get onto a topic that they are clearly really passionate about? Even though it might not be your cup of tea, their enthusiasm for it becomes kind of infectious! A person’s passion or interest can really help to connect with them.

On the other hand, passion can also be your downfall. As my friend and business partner Terri Trespicio points out in her TEDx Talk, which has nearly 4 million views by the way.

You might also have been at a networking mixer listening to someone talk about a project or side gig and, while their heart might be in the right place, but they just keep talking and talking and you keep losing interest! Read more

Pitching the media is not easy if you don’t know what producers and editors are looking for. It’s all about understanding what draws producers into your story and why their audience will care.

But, if you thought pitching yourself to the media was hard, even harder is pitching an event. There are a million and one events out there at any given time – so what makes yours so special?

The unfortunate truth is no one in the media cares about your event.

As a national television producer with nearly 20 years experience I can say definitively that I can count on one hand the amount of events I’ve actually covered. That’s because most events are self serving – ribbon cuttings and grand openings. What does that do for the viewer or reader? But that doesn’t mean you can’t get your event into the media, it’s all about how you pitch it!

BONUS FREEBIE: Your message deserves the media’s attention. So how do you get out there in a bigger way? I’ve got you covered. Grab my free “Checklist to Become a Go-To Media Expert.”


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When I first started working at Fox News Channel in NYC back in 2008 the idea of producing video just for the internet was pretty shiny and new. I had been working in local TV for years  producing live newscasts. Then I landed a great job at Fox News as a health producer. My job […]